I love the fact that my job allows me to do what I love, and to spend time with such special people. I love this family, like they were my own. Shannon & I were roommates before we were Mrs., and some of my favorite memories are times spent at our house with her and the other two girls we lived with. So, I was particularly excited when Shannon scheduled with me, & taking these pictures was a special treat:) Here's a few of my favorites.....
Chris and Meagan were married on a rainy Saturday the weekend before Christmas. It was a lovely night wedding with lots of candles and dim lighting, very elegant & romantic. I loved the mood, and the white lights from the Christmas tree and decorations added a very nice touch to it. Meagan looked so beautiful! And the smile on Chris' face when he looked at her was priceless! I just love shooting wedding for couples that I've known since they were kids. It brings me such joy to be able to capture their special day. So, thank you Chris and Meagan for having me, and congratulations to the both of you as you start your life together. Click HERE for the music slideshow, and HERE for the gallery.
This is one loved, and patiently waited for, little girl! I am so so happy that Matt and Gena have been blessed with little Gwyneth Mae. I am so honored to have been able to photograph their first family pictures together. I loved seeing the way they looked at her and interacted with her, and each other. One of my favorite parts of the session was when Gena was washing her hair (to make it fluffy for the pictures), and Gwyneth started crying cause she didn't like the water on her head. Well, the minute mommy put the soap on her head and started to massage it, she stopped crying, her eyes rolled back into her head and she pierced her little lips together as if she was saying, "Oooh that feels so good!" It was so stink'n cute! Congratulations you guys! She is so precious and I couldn't be happier for you!