Tis the season for Sr. photos, and the weather has been a little windy, but we lucked out on Monday with a beautiful wind free day for Andy's pictures. I cant believe how fast time flies! I remember when he was a little boy, and now he's gonna graduate from High School! I enjoyed driving around and hang'n out with him and his mom during the shoot. So, here are a few of my favorites, and click HERE for the gallery.
Like I've said before, Senior pics are my favorite subject to photograph, and this session was no exception! First of all, it was an absolutely gorgeous day, it couldn't have been any prettier! And Megan and her mom were a joy to hang out with. Thanks guys! Hope you had as much fun as I did:) Click HERE for the gallery.
Here is a fabulous wedding I shot last Saturday in sunny Palm Desert. Doug and Sabrina were married at The Shadow Ridge Marriott on a picture perfect day. Gotta love California! Everyone was so calm and really focused on making it a great day for the two of them. They were a lot of fun to photograph, and the Marriott had really great spots to shoot at. Congratulations you guys! I'm so glad I got to be a part of your special day! Click HERE for the slideshow, and HERE for the gallery.