This past week was my dear cousin Lisa's birthday. So I headed on out to Corona to hang with her and have a girlie day, which by the way, was so much fun! And while I was down there she asked me to take some pics of her baby girl, who is going to turn 4 in a couple of weeks. I was actually there at her birth, and I cant believe its been 4 years. She's such a cutie pie! We totally lucked out with a cloudy day which gave us great lighting! I had so much fun taking these pictures, and we even snuck mommy in for a few. Click HERE for the gallery.
Ok all you photographers, you have to check out this camera bag, I love it! They have lots of different colors, and the 70-200mm lens will fit inside the bag with the top closed. I've actually had mine fall out of my shootsac before and had to spend some bucks at Canon getting it fixed, so that is a huge plus for me. Check it out at