Well, this is my first post for 2010. It's been a nice break having the weekends off just hanging with my hubby. So, I drove down last Saturday to LaJolla beach to meet the Glazier family for a shoot. We sure lucked out with the rain clearing up that afternoon! It was a gorgeous day, and I think everyone else thought so too, cause it was crowded! I managed to find some secluded spots, and the few people that did get in the background I was able to edit out (I heart photoshop!) Anyways, they chose that beach cause Grandma & Grandpa Glazier met there on a blind date 40 years ago and they wanted to take there family pictures in the same spot. I thought that was a great story! Anyways, sorry if the pics slow your computer down while they load, this is a long one;) Click HEREfor the gallery & HEREfor the slideshow.