Tis wedding season and I'm loving every minute of it! Just a week ago I had someone comment on how I always get such beautiful brides. So, I kinda snickered to myself on Saturday when I met Tawney before her wedding, cause she was absolutely gorgeous! Her and Matthew were married down in Cathedral City at the Cimarron Golf Resort. I'm loving how these pictures turned out! I think they may be some of my favorite shots ever. Congrats you guys, you make a beautiful couple! Below are a few pics from the day, and click HERE for the slideshow. If you'd like to see the online gallery of all the pics, click on the shopping cart at the bottom of the slideshow :)
Oh my Gosh, these were the cutest kids ever! I met the Beasley family down at the park last week for a family shoot. It was a gorgeous summer evening and I had so much using my new camera. The faces the kids were making in some of the pictures made me laugh out loud while I was editing, I love it! Click HERE for the slideshow.
I'm happy to present to you the pictures of Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Kerensa Manolovits! It was a beautiful wedding in Buena Park last weekend, and the ceremony was held at the Church of Reflections at Knotts Berry Farm. It was such a special day, and meant even more to me to be able to photograph it cause Mark is my cousin. They were so cute together! And I loved Kerensa's veil! Congrats you guys! Thanks for having me be a part of your very special day! Click HEREfor the slideshow:)