So, this session was extra special to me cause Mark is my cousin. I have a total of 17 cousins and for some reason, I remember the first time I saw Mark. I was like 10, and his mom was coming to visit my mom. And I was so excited that they were coming cause I loved babies. And I remember my aunt walked in with this tiny little peanut curled up on her chest, and now..... he's getting married, to a sweet and beautiful girl. I'm so happy and honored that you guys are having me take your photos. I had so much fun with you guys, and you both are so cute together! Click HERE for the slideshow.:)
Last week I went out with Catherine and her mom for Catherine's senior portraits. What a gorgeous, sweet girl! I'm so excited about how these pictures turned out, and I love that she plays the guitar and wanted pictures with it. I used to play and haven't picked it up in a few years, but I think she may have inspired me to do so. Anyways, here a some of my favorites, which took me forever to pick cause I liked so many of them, and click HERE for the slideshow. :)
So all I have to say, is these 3 little girls are the cutest things ever! I love these pictures and how girlie they are with all the pink! As I was editing them, the pictures kept making me smile. And that bottom black and white one has a cool story behind it. Her mommy and grandma had their pictures taken when they were around the same age, and her mommy wanted me to try and duplicate them. It looks totally old fashion, and I love it! Click HERE for the slideshow.