I finally have a break in weddings for a few, so I pulled these ones up and thought I'd blog em. My niece Hailey turned 6 back in May, and I brought my camera along for fun and snapped some pictures of the day. They had karaoke, and a stage with a curtain. The girls got to put on make up and colored hair, and my brother and 8 year old nephew were security. How fun is that! Click HERE for a slideshow.
Josh and Katrina were married this past Saturday at Joshua Springs. It was an absolutely amazing wedding! Katrina looked gorgeous! And I think this was the first wedding were I actually cried during the ceremony while I was taking pictures. It was so sweet, and the reception was so much fun! I just can't say enough about the day. Josh and Katrina, you guys are so perfect for each other, and I pray your lives are blessed as the two become one. Congratulations! Click HERE for the slideshow.